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DIY Epsom Salt lotion (vanilla scented)

April 29, 2012

DIY Epsom Salt/Coconut Oil Lotion

I made Epsom salt lotion today.

Look at the photo on the left, you will see the consistency really looks like that of a light lotion.. considering this made of oil.. I am so happy with the results! It also feels like a light lotion! It looks a little bit brownish/greyish instead of pure white though, as I accidentally dropped about 1/4 tsp of honey (I was also making my honey facial mask while doing this– multi tasking yeah!).

I believe you can make your lotion this way with or without the epsom salt. Probably, all you need to make a basic lotion is coconut oil, glycerin and a blender (have’nt tried this though.. not sure of the consistency will be the same without the epsom salt and baking soda).

Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is normally used as a laxative or added on bath water. Most autistic children benefit a lot from an epsom salt bath due to its relaxing effect. Most people (even those who are not autistic) have magnesium deficiency. Also one of the reasons why women crave chocolate prior to menstrual period, is again because of the magnesium in chocolate. We need magnesium to relax our nerves and muscles so that our menstruation can flow easily. My own experience in soaking in a bath tub with epsom salt is still vivid on my mind. I knew it would work for me as my Hair Elements Test shows very low sulfur levels (suggesting high levels of mercury).

My Hair Elements Test results – from DDI
Soaking in Epsom Salt at Fullerton Hotel

However, it is a luxury I cannot have too often since we do not have a bath tub.. and the idea of finishing 1 box of epsom salt in one bath seems to be a splurge for me.

So, I researched a DIY Epsom salt lotion. Quite happy to know that all the ingredients I need is already in our kitchen cabinet.

Sunflower oil (I use this for oil pulling)
Coconut oil (we always have this)
Epsom salt (1 box that ive been trying to save until I get access to a bath tub again)
Vegetable glycerin (the one I purchased from Phoon Huat for making my vitamin C serum)

Anyway, here is the recipe..

Epsom Salt Lotion [by Mary Kaye]:

I am sure that a handy person can come up with a cream/ ointment in the same way I did but here is the formula I have been using for about a year now. We use it after a bath before bed and as a hand and foot lotion during PT and to soothe. It absorbs fine and leaves only a little powder type residue.

1 cup epsom salts
2 t non-aluminum baking soda
1/2 cup boiling distilled water
2 T glycerin
1/4 cup almond, olive, or sunflower oil
1/2 cup favorite natural lotion or cream from HFS OR 1/2 cup coconut butter

This is like making real mayonnaise, you need to blend at high speed and add ingredients a little at a time. Boil water and add to epson salts and baking soda in blender, pulse till dissolved and not grainy (must be boiling). Add glycerin, then slowly add oils while blending to emulsify. Still blending add lotion, cream, or coconut butter a little at a time. Pour into a clean container, preferably ceramic or glass (I use a wide mouth mason jar that I can sterilize). If this separates into layers when cool, rewarm and add 2T guar gum dissolved into a bit of hot water, reblend and cool.

To improve the scent.. I added vanilla extract. I love vanilla scent. My daughter and I share an organic shampoo and conditioner which smells like vanilla.. she says it smells like marshmallow though. Eiter way, I love the scent.. so there you go a DIY Vanila scented Epsom salt lotion.

I will also use this to massage Zarah before she sleeps (at least once a week). Hope its true that it will help reduce her night time teeth grinding. We have already finished the tablets given to us by our naturopath to help reduce Zarah’s night time teeth grinding.

Epsom salt baths or application of epsom salt on the skin is also part of the Andy Cutler protocol to help aleviate symptoms of mercurcy intoxication and chelation.

Uhmm by the way, Epsom salt is again one of the NO NO’s in the Gerson therapy. Nanay cant even touch this while she is on the therapy. It is also contraindicated for people with kidney/renal failure.

Correlation between Magnesium deficiency, PMS and breast cancer

I am not a health professional. applying epsom salt lotion is not a cure all for PMS, autism or general magnesium or sulfur deficiency.. nothing beats a healthy diet. Am just inspired by our local natural beauty bloggers and is on a DIY spree this week..(yeah its my autistic tendencies again..doing a lot of things with a lot of passion and then dropping it later on.. hope I would be able to sustain this for longer though)… I thought why not make my own lotion and add epsom salt to it.. so it could possibly help me and my daughter. If you feel this could benefit you too… please again consult your doctor and if you are going against the doctor;s advice, please do not use on your children unless you have tried it yourself. Again Epsom salt is a NO NO for cancer patients who are under Gerson therapy.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Anton Esco permalink
    August 22, 2012 11:31 pm

    I always take Magnesium supplements because it helps with my bruxism. Magnesium can really relax the tensed muscles..;;*”

    Take care

  2. July 24, 2014 7:15 am

    We tried this but without adding store-bought lotion or cocoa butter. It has a fine texture but it separates. Hopefully it will work to shake it each time we want to use it. We did find it to cause itching for a few minutes, especially on sensitive skin but it passes.

  3. Melinda permalink
    January 9, 2015 2:32 am

    Thank you for the recipe. I was wondering if you knew of another oil medium similar to coconut oil? We have significant salicylate sensitivities in our ASD household and coconut oil is high in salicylates. Thanks in advance for any thoughts.


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