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Where to buy: Red Man Baking Soda (5kg bag)

April 23, 2012

5kg of Baking Soda for only $14.85 (Red Man brand from Phoon Huat Clementi)

Now that I have learned baking soda’s many uses (specially for cleaning mould, and DIY general cleanser (detergent, dish wash, even mouth wash, tooth paste and face wash).. I decided to buy a 5kg bag.

No, not the Arm & Hammer brand but a local brand called RED MAN from Phoon Huat.

I purchased a 5kg bag of food grade baking soda from Phoon Huat baking supplies at Clementi Ave 3.
It costs only $14.85 for the 5 kg bag.

Cost comparison
Arm & Hammer costs $1.90 for a 226.86 gram box==> that means its about $77 dollars for 5 kg. That is a whopping $66 dollar savingsAquarium hobbyists grade baking soda by its moisture content. More moisture content ==> means it is heavier than it should be. Less moisture content ==> means you are getting more value for money.

Red Man baking soda is surely drier than Arm & Hammer. I even weighed the whole bag when I got home, it is exactly 5 kg.

What did I do with the $65 sgd? ==> stretched it all went into our muffin ingredients and other DIY ingredients and our taxi fare
1. freshly ground flax seeds
2. chocolate chips
3. muffin pan
4. almond flour
5. potato flour
6. tapioca flour
8. cocoa powder
9. food grade glycerine (to add to my Vit.E oil for my DIY moisturizer).
10. 1 big bottle of vinegar (which again is for cleaning purposes ==> all food grade)
11. 1 small bottle of vinegar for cooking purposes

1 gallon white vinegar ($6.50) another economical all purpose cleanser

Most of all it was an enjoyable experience hunting for great finds like this. There is also an organic shop just in front of Phoon Huat Clementi branch. But they do not have much stock of our favorite organic brands.

Since Nanay was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I have consciously tried not to buy shampoos and bath soaps with toxic ingredients. I had been successful in detoxing our bathroom and our dresser by throwing away all toxic hair and body products. Now its time to add more vigilance in detoxing the rest of the house by slowly, replacing our detergents and dishwashing liquid with baking soda and vinegar. I learned most of this from Dr. Hulda Clarke (but I was overwhelmed by her most of the time.. so I take it one page at a time)..

The past few weeks, I had some inspiration from Singapore based bloggers on the usage of baking soda and vinegar, refer to their blogs below:

Non-toxic home, healthier families

How to get the cleanest windows naturally

The Best All Natural Mites and Mold Killer

Quote from Our Little Green Dot:

Studies have shown that housewives have a 55% greater risk of developing cancer compared to women who work outside of the home. The conclusion is that it’s the daily exposure to household cleaners that are routinely filled with carcinogens.

My poor Nanay.. she worked in a laundry detergent factory when she was only a teenager, she washed our laundry by hand when we were children, teenagers and as young adults… now am trying my best to lower her exposures to carcinogens as much as I can. Of course, it helpst that we use a washing machine now here in Singapore.

Juicing also requires a lot of washing of utensils, juicers and blenders.. so I am hoping that she and tatay (my father will get used to using baking soda and vinegar as well). I will do it first to show them an example.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. September 24, 2013 10:05 pm

    Where to get glycerin in singapore? can u giv me the place and address?

  2. Mak permalink
    March 30, 2014 9:53 pm

    Hi may I ask where did you find your 1 gallon of white vinegar?

  3. Alexis permalink
    December 29, 2014 2:03 pm

    I buy the Arm & Hammer 1.81kg pack from Xtra for $5. That is $2.76/kg. The weight is accurate, too.

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